Construction of a new building for the Paul-Gerhardt-School

in Dassel

Selection for the Day of Architecture 2012
On 24 June 2012, the Day of Architecture took place under this year’s motto “Energy!”.
Schwieger Architects were selected by the AKN jury with the Paul-Gerhard-Schule Dassel.

Entrance to the playground of the Paul Gerhardt School in Dassel with glass façade.

New Construction, Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Construction, Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Construction, Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Construction, Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Construction, Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Construction, Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Construction, Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Construction, Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Building Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Building Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Building Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel

New Building Paul-Gerhardt School in Dassel